Deeply regretted by nephew Ian, wife Jamie and kids.
Sleep tight Aunt Lil. xx.
Monday 18 February 2019
Deeply regretted by nephew Neal and wife Alison, David, Sarah, Matthew and Pamela.
Always loved and forever in our hearts. xx.
Monday 18 February 2019
Deeply regretted by Clare, Penny, Ann, Shauna, Diane, Margaret, Alison and Julie (BMC Castlereagh).
Will be sadly missed.
Monday 18 February 2019
Will be lovingly remembered by Tommy, Fay and family, much-loved wife of Gilbert mother of Louise and Phillip.
John Ch 3. V. 16.
Monday 18 February 2019
Great-niece Lauren partner Jamie.
Will miss and love you always. Auntie Lil. xxx.
Monday 18 February 2019
Deeply missed by niece June, her husband Andy and their children Karl and Lauren.
You were always someone special, someone kind and true,
you will never be forgotten, for we thought the world of you.
Monday 18 February 2019