Deeply regretted by nephew Paul, niece Pat and their wider families.
A chapter closes.
Friday 08 February 2019
Deeply regretted by his nephew Alan, wife Laura, and immediate family.
At Home with the Lord.
Thursday 07 February 2019
Sadly missed by his niece Beverley and family.
The Lord is my Shepherd.
Thursday 07 February 2019
James COLE
The Management, staff and employees of John Thompson & Sons Ltd deeply regret the death of the Father of their esteemed colleague Rosalie and extend their deepest sympathy to her and to the family circle.
Thursday 07 February 2019
John Thompson & Sons Limited
God saw the road was getting rough.
The hills were hard to climb.
He gently closed his weary eyes,
and whispered peace by thine.
Tuesday 05 February 2019
Ann and David and all the family xx
Died February 3, 2019. Deeply regretted by his loving grandson Neill, wife Hannah and great-granddaughter Bonnie.
A smile for all, a heart of gold,
one of the best this world could hold,
never selfish always kind,
these are the memories you leave behind.
Monday 04 February 2019
Died February 3, 2019. Deeply regretted by his loving granddaughter Ashleigh, husband Thomas and great-grandson Archie.
You always had a smile to share,
time to give and time to care.
A loving nature, kind and true
is the way we will remember you.
Monday 04 February 2019
Died February 3, 2019. Deeply regretted by his loving son Cliff, daughter-in-law Heather and grand-daughter Jenny. Phil. 1 v. 3. I thank my God for every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you I will always pray with joy.
Monday 04 February 2019
Died February 3, 2019. Deeply regretted by his loving daughter Rosalie and husband Lewis.
Love says little but means so much, love is a feeling, a look, a touch. Love is a gift and we give it to you.
From a daughter and son-in-law whose hearts are broken in two.
Monday 04 February 2019