Deeply regretted by her son Nigel, daughter-in-law Lynda and grandson Dale.
We loved you every day, but now we will miss you every day.
Wednesday 23 January 2019
Deepest sympathy to brother-in-law Nigel, sister Lynda, nephew Dale and wider family circle, on the death of Nigel's mother.
Love Sharon, Brett, Darren and Dean and families.
Wednesday 23 January 2019
With deepest sympathy to our son-in-law Nigel, daughter Lynda, grandson Dale and wider family circle, on the death of Nigel's mother.
Love from Margaret and George Fitzsimmons.
Wednesday 23 January 2019
They say that hearts don't really break, dear God that isn't true,
for the day my Mum died, my heart just broke in two.
Will be sadly missed by daughter Eleanor and son-in-law Davy.
Wednesday 23 January 2019
Sweet are the memories silently kept
of a sister I loved and will never forget.
Will be sadly missed by brother Reggie.
Wednesday 23 January 2019
Put your arms around her Lord and forever keep her safe,
for our Granny is very special and can never be replaced.
Will be sadly missed by grandson John, granddaughter Nadean, great-grand-children Madison, Lucy, Cole, Blake and Oakley.
Wednesday 23 January 2019
A golden heart stopped beating, two willing hands at rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the best.
Will be sadly missed by daughter Michelle, grandchildren Stewart, Abigail, Natasha and great-grandchildren Samuel and Kimberley.
Wednesday 23 January 2019
Deeply regretted by Dunmurry Young Men Golf Society.
Condolences to our fellow members Nigel and Gareth Stewart on the death of your mum.
Rest in peace.
Wednesday 23 January 2019