Grandfather of Christopher, wife Jennifer and great-grandchildren Timothy and Benjamin.
Special memories.
Monday 03 September 2018
Beloved father of Lorraine, son-in-law John.
Precious memories, love always.
Monday 03 September 2018
Much-loved father of Carol, son-in-law George and granddaughters Amy and Sophie.
Will miss you so much dad.
Night, night God Bless.
Forever in our thoughts.
Monday 03 September 2018
Greatly-loved father of Colin and his friend Marcella.
Fond memories of my father's wit, vitality and love for all his family.
Monday 03 September 2018
Grandfather of Caroline, husband Clinton and great-grandchildren, Reuben, Erin, Toby and Bertie.
Memories last forever.
Monday 03 September 2018
Much-loved father of Maureen, son-in-law Jon and grandchildren Louise, Andrea and Mark.
Silent thoughts of times together, hold memories that will last forever.
God Bless.
Monday 03 September 2018
Beloved father of Anne, son-in-law Richard and granddaughters Juliet, Isabel and Rachel.
Rest in peace dad.
Cherished memories.
Monday 03 September 2018