Deeply regretted by son Billy, wife Anna and daughters Danielle and Morgan. Love you so much, can't count all the ways. x.
Tuesday 01 December 2015
Son Michael and daughter-in-law Kim.
Dearer to us than words can tell,
was the mother we loved and lost so well,
deep in our hearts she is living yet,
we loved her too dearly to ever forget.
Tuesday 01 December 2015
Heartfelt sympathies to Michael and Kim and family, on the death of your mother, from George, Elaine and family.
Monday 30 November 2015
Deeply regretted by friend Florence Shepherd and family.
God bless Margaret. Gone but not forgotten.
Monday 30 November 2015
With deepest sympathy to the family circle, from Brian and Anne Dawson.
Rest in Peace.
Monday 30 November 2015
Deepest sympathy to Michael, Billy, Ian and family circle, from sister-in-law Mary and her late brother Samuel and the Scott family circle.
Not forgotten, from nephew Alex and wife Maud. God Bless.
Monday 30 November 2015
Deeply regretted by Johnnie Donnan and great-nieces Ellen, Lorraine and families.
Peacefully sleeping.
Monday 30 November 2015
Much-loved sister of the late Minnie McAleese.
Deeply regretted by her nieces and nephews, at home and in Canada.
Precious memories.
Monday 30 November 2015