Deeply regretted by her loving sister Jean and family.
Always loved and never forgotten x
Wednesday 22 May 2019
A much-loved sister of Gladys and brother-in-law Joe.
There is a person in Heaven, Lord, so special and so rare,
that person is my sister, the best beyond compare.
Of all the greatest gifts in life, no matter how great or small,
to have her for my sister, was the greatest gift of all.
Gone but will never be forgotten.
Wednesday 22 May 2019
Sadly missed by brother Billy and family.
You always had a smile to share and time to care. xx.
Wednesday 22 May 2019
Deeply regretted by niece Shirley, husband Stephen and kids.
You were always someone special, someone kind and true,
you will never be forgotten, for we thought the world of you.
Wednesday 22 May 2019