Latest Sympathy Notices

Died January 4, 2017, dearly-beloved husband of Liz, father of son Stephen and daughters Sharon and Gillian and grandchildren. Deepest sympathy from best friend Raymond.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us everyday. Monday 09 January 2017

Deepest sympathy to my friend Liz on the passing of her husband from Angela, Paul and family.
At peace. Monday 09 January 2017

Deeply regretted by Wee Lynsey. my Daddy No.2, a man who loved me as his own and one I will never forget.
Sleep tight. xx. Monday 09 January 2017

Heartfelt sympathy to my sister Liz and family on the passing of her beloved husband John. From Agnes and George, also nephew Darren and family.
God Bless. xxx. Monday 09 January 2017

Heartfelt sympathy to my sister Liz and family on the passing of her beloved husband John. From her sister Eleanor. Peace, perfect peace. x. Monday 09 January 2017

Dearly-loved husband of my daughter Elizabeth, father of Stephen, Sharon, Gillian and three lovely grandchildren. Will always be in my thoughts and prayers, mother-in-law Margaret McMillan and brother-in-law Thomas.
God Bless. Monday 09 January 2017

Granda John, you may be gone from my sight but you'll never be gone from my heart. I will always remember our song, Glory, glory Man United. Love you to the moon and back, your granddaughter Leah. Monday 09 January 2017

Sadly missed by sister Hilda and nephews Thomas and Philip.
Death leaves a heartache no-one can heal,
love leaves a memory that no-one can steal.
Always love you dear brother. Monday 09 January 2017

Deeply regretted by sister Alison and nieces Emma, Michelle and nephew James.
We will never cease to miss you,
we will never cease to care.
In a special corner of my heart
you'll always be there my brother. Monday 09 January 2017

Deepest sympathy to my sister-in-law Liz, Stephen, Sharon, Gillian and family on the death of my brother John. From Marie, Ray and family in Wales. I thank God I got to see you before the Angels took you Home. Monday 09 January 2017
