Beloved brother of Sandra, Charlie, the late Dougie and the late Stephen and brother-in-law of Tony.
Sweet are the memories, silently kept,
of a brother we loved and will never forget.
Deeply regretted by his sister Sandra and brother-in-law Tony.
Monday 30 July 2018
Deeply regretted by June and Don Prince, England.
Monday 30 July 2018
Deeply regretted by his niece Karen, nephews Mark and Gavin.
Monday 30 July 2018
The Officers and Members of General Committee Apprentice Boys of Derry deeply regret the sad passing of their esteemed member Cyril and tender to his wife Marlene, sons Clifford and David and family circle their sincere sympathy.
Governor, Graeme Stenhouse and General Secretary, William Moore.
The Lord is my Shepherd.
Monday 30 July 2018
The Directors and Management Committee of Apprentice Boys of Derry Siege Museum deeply regret the passing of their esteemed colleague and Director Cyril and tender to the family circle their sincere sympathy.
The Lord is my Shepherd.
Chairman William Moore and Secretary Worthington McGrath.
Monday 30 July 2018
Deeply regretted by his brother-in-law Tom, wife Roseann, nephews Andrew and Martin and families.
At peace.
Monday 30 July 2018
Deeply regretted by cousin Chris, wife Wilma, Roberta, Marcus and David.
God bless you and keep you in His care.
Monday 30 July 2018
The Worthy President, Officers, and Brethren of the Apprentice Boys of Derry (Dunmurry Campsie Branch) deeply regret to learn of the passing of their founder member and highly esteemed Secretary, Bro Cyril Jones.
At this sad time we tender our heartfelt sympathy to his wife Marlene and the family circle. D Mack (Acting Secretary).
Monday 30 July 2018
The Board Members of the Apprentice Boys of Derry Benevolent Fund are deeply saddened at the passing of their highly esteemed Chairman and Founding Member Bro. Cyril Jones and tender their heartfelt sympathy to his wife Marlene and the family circle. G. Watton (Sec).
Monday 30 July 2018
July 25, 2018. The Worshipful Master, Officers and Brethren of Lisburn Heroes Temperance LOL 141 deeply regret to learn of the passing of their highly esteemed Worshipful Brother Cyril Jones PM, Secretary and tender their sincere sympathy to his wife Marlene and the wider family circle. W/Master Mark Prince and Acting Secretary Jim Martin.
Wednesday 25 July 2018