Colette O'Donnell (née McFall)

Colette O’Donnell (nee McFall) Months Mind mass will be celebrated on Saturday 20th April 2024 at 6.30pm St Oliver Plunkett Church at 27-B Glenveagh Dr, Belfast BT11 9HX

The family of the late Colette O'Donnell RIP wish to express their heartfelt gratitude to all those who sympathised and supported them in their recent sad bereavement.

Thanks to all family, relatives, friends and neighbours who called to the wake houses,
brought mass cards and gifts of food. A special word of thanks to Collette’s Grandchildren who helped out with refreshments over the 5 days of waking their Granny, and all others who helped out in any way.

Thanks to all who attended Colette’s Funeral Mass and Crematorium Service. A special word of thanks to Fr Aidan Brankin (Parish Priest St.Oliver Plunkett West Belfast) for his spiritual guidance and beautiful requiem mass and Celebration of life Service at the Crematorium.

To John, Tíona and Miadhachlughain for the beautiful music and singing.

To the wonderful carer’s from Lydian care who so professionally and lovingly supported Colette and her family in her final weeks at home also Opus health care.

To the Doctors, Nurses and staff of Falls Family Practice (Belfast) and Donard Family Practice Castlewellan/Newcastle and District Nursing Team for the excellent support and care provided to Colette in her illness, especially in her final days.

Our deepest gratitude goes to Stephen Morgan Funeral Directors for their very professional and dignified handling of the funeral arrangements and continued guidance and support throughout.

As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our heartfelt appreciation and thanks

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Stephen Morgan Funeral Directors

14 Main Street,
Co. Down
028 437 58323
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The death has occurred of:
Colette O'Donnell (née McFall)

Colette O’Donnell (nee McFall) Months Mind mass will be celebrated on Saturday 20th April 2024 at 6.30pm St Oliver Plunkett Church at 27-B Glenveagh Dr, Belfast BT11 9HX

The family of the late Colette O'Donnell RIP wish to express their heartfelt gratitude to all those who sympathised and supported them in their recent sad bereavement.

Thanks to all family, relatives, friends and neighbours who called to the wake houses,
brought mass cards and gifts of food. A special word of thanks to Collette’s Grandchildren who helped out with refreshments over the 5 days of waking their Granny, and all others who helped out in any way.

Thanks to all who attended Colette’s Funeral Mass and Crematorium Service. A special word of thanks to Fr Aidan Brankin (Parish Priest St.Oliver Plunkett West Belfast) for his spiritual guidance and beautiful requiem mass and Celebration of life Service at the Crematorium.

To John, Tíona and Miadhachlughain for the beautiful music and singing.

To the wonderful carer’s from Lydian care who so professionally and lovingly supported Colette and her family in her final weeks at home also Opus health care.

To the Doctors, Nurses and staff of Falls Family Practice (Belfast) and Donard Family Practice Castlewellan/Newcastle and District Nursing Team for the excellent support and care provided to Colette in her illness, especially in her final days.

Our deepest gratitude goes to Stephen Morgan Funeral Directors for their very professional and dignified handling of the funeral arrangements and continued guidance and support throughout.

As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our heartfelt appreciation and thanks

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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Stephen Morgan Funeral Directors

14 Main Street,
Co. Down

028 437 58323

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