Clare Hughes (née Fegan)


Patrick, Fiona, Barry and Pauline along with their families wish to express their sincere
thanks and appreciation to all those who sympathised with them during their recent sad
bereavement of their much loved Mummy, Granny and Great Granny.
To all those who attended the wake and the funeral, brought mass/sympathy cards, flowers,
telephoned, sent text messages, posted online their condolences, bought food or helped in
any way your kindness was greatly appreciated.
Thanks to all our family, friends and kind neighbours who helped in so many ways, their
support was invaluable during the wake and indeed throughout mummy’s life.
Our sincere thanks is extended to the Management and Staff of Hamilton Court Care Home
for the compassion and exemplary care of Mummy. We also thank the Doctors and staff of
Willowbank Surgery and Richhill Health Centre for their exceptional care and attention.
A special thanks to Father Sean O’Neill, Father Sean Moore and Father Peter McAnenly for
their pastoral care and for visiting mummy during her illness. We thank Canon Crawley for
his prayers at the wake and Father Sean O Neill and Father Sean Moore for celebrating the
Requiem Funeral mass. The funeral was greatly enhanced by the beautiful music provided
by Dermot McCusker and Catherine Grimley/Hughes and to Mickey the sacristan who
prepared the church.
Our thanks to Damien Smith funeral director and his staff for undertaking the funeral and
grave arrangements with such dignity and professionalism. We thank Madden Community
Centre committee for the use of the hall and to the ladies committee for the refreshments
after the funeral.
It is not possible to thank everyone individually but we hope everyone accepts this
Acknowledgement as a sincere token of our appreciation. The Holy sacrifice of Mass will be
offered up for all your intentions.
Mummy’s Months Mind Mass will be held in St Joseph’s Church Madden on Friday 19th
January at 7pm.

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Damian Smith Undertakers

Otra House - Creevy Otra Road,
Co. Armagh
Visit Website
028 3753 1354 / 07712 872391
View Directory Profile

The death has occurred of:
Clare Hughes (née Fegan)

Patrick, Fiona, Barry and Pauline along with their families wish to express their sincere
thanks and appreciation to all those who sympathised with them during their recent sad
bereavement of their much loved Mummy, Granny and Great Granny.
To all those who attended the wake and the funeral, brought mass/sympathy cards, flowers,
telephoned, sent text messages, posted online their condolences, bought food or helped in
any way your kindness was greatly appreciated.
Thanks to all our family, friends and kind neighbours who helped in so many ways, their
support was invaluable during the wake and indeed throughout mummy’s life.
Our sincere thanks is extended to the Management and Staff of Hamilton Court Care Home
for the compassion and exemplary care of Mummy. We also thank the Doctors and staff of
Willowbank Surgery and Richhill Health Centre for their exceptional care and attention.
A special thanks to Father Sean O’Neill, Father Sean Moore and Father Peter McAnenly for
their pastoral care and for visiting mummy during her illness. We thank Canon Crawley for
his prayers at the wake and Father Sean O Neill and Father Sean Moore for celebrating the
Requiem Funeral mass. The funeral was greatly enhanced by the beautiful music provided
by Dermot McCusker and Catherine Grimley/Hughes and to Mickey the sacristan who
prepared the church.
Our thanks to Damien Smith funeral director and his staff for undertaking the funeral and
grave arrangements with such dignity and professionalism. We thank Madden Community
Centre committee for the use of the hall and to the ladies committee for the refreshments
after the funeral.
It is not possible to thank everyone individually but we hope everyone accepts this
Acknowledgement as a sincere token of our appreciation. The Holy sacrifice of Mass will be
offered up for all your intentions.
Mummy’s Months Mind Mass will be held in St Joseph’s Church Madden on Friday 19th
January at 7pm.


Funeral Details


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Damian Smith Undertakers

Otra House - Creevy Otra Road,
Co. Armagh

Visit Website

028 3753 1354 / 07712 872391

View Directory Profile