The death has occurred of:
Ciaran Hurl
We the family of the late Ciaran Hurl would like to express our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all our relatives, friends and neighbours who sympathised and supported us during this sad time. Many thanks to all those who attended Ciaran’s wake, funeral, sent mass cards, sympathy cards, letters, brought food and who helped in anyway. Special word of thanks to Moortown GAC for co-ordinating everything during the wake and funeral.
Many thanks to the staff of U-Form Toome and St Joseph’s College Coalisland. To Stephen Quinn for providing his lorry on morning of funeral.
Thanks also to Canon Benny Fee and Fr Sean McCartan for calling and saying prayers in family home. To Father Tremer for celebrating the beautiful mass and for his continued support. To Roisin and Emmett for the beautiful music. To Conan Lavery and Pat O’Neill from Lavery’s funeral directors for the courteous way the funeral arrangements were conducted and to the grave diggers for the preparing of Ciaran’s final resting place.
Thanks also to the people who were with Ciaran and to all the emergency services who tended to him at the scene and Antrim Area hospital.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as our sincere appreciation. Ciaran’s Months Mind Mass will take place on Monday 18th September at 7.30 pm in the Church of the Immaculate Conception Moortown.