Charlie McGirr


McGirr Charles (Charlie)
Died 19th November

We the family of the late Charlie McGirr would like express our sincere thanks to all those who supported us through our recent sad bereavement. We would like to thank our extended family, neighbours, friends and everyone who helped in any way during the wake. A special word of appreciation to Dr Briege McGarvey who attended the house on the morning of daddy’s passing and to Fr Michael O’Dwyer PP for his spiritual support and guidance and for celebrating a heartfelt and comforting funeral mass. Thanks to Noleen Neill and Ciara McGinley for the beautiful music and to Paudge Quinn Funeral directors for the very dignified service they provided.

We remain eternally grateful to all those who provided medical care to daddy in the last few years, particularly to Dr Ramsewak, Sister Aideen Casey and all in the cardiac unit in Omagh Hospital.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone, please accept this acknowledgement as a gesture of our families deepest gratitude.
Charlie is loved and greatly missed every day. May he rest in God’s eternal love and peace.
His months mind mass will be celebrated in St Matthews Church Garvaghey on Tuesday 19th December at 7pm.

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E. Quinn & Sons

175 Ballygawley Road,
Co. Tyrone
028 8776 7529 / 07712 888791
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The death has occurred of:
Charlie McGirr

McGirr Charles (Charlie)
Died 19th November

We the family of the late Charlie McGirr would like express our sincere thanks to all those who supported us through our recent sad bereavement. We would like to thank our extended family, neighbours, friends and everyone who helped in any way during the wake. A special word of appreciation to Dr Briege McGarvey who attended the house on the morning of daddy’s passing and to Fr Michael O’Dwyer PP for his spiritual support and guidance and for celebrating a heartfelt and comforting funeral mass. Thanks to Noleen Neill and Ciara McGinley for the beautiful music and to Paudge Quinn Funeral directors for the very dignified service they provided.

We remain eternally grateful to all those who provided medical care to daddy in the last few years, particularly to Dr Ramsewak, Sister Aideen Casey and all in the cardiac unit in Omagh Hospital.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone, please accept this acknowledgement as a gesture of our families deepest gratitude.
Charlie is loved and greatly missed every day. May he rest in God’s eternal love and peace.
His months mind mass will be celebrated in St Matthews Church Garvaghey on Tuesday 19th December at 7pm.


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

E. Quinn & Sons

175 Ballygawley Road,
Co. Tyrone

028 8776 7529 / 07712 888791

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