Cathy Kane (née McAuley)


Kane (Limavady). We, the husband and family of the late Cathy, wish to express our sincere and heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported and sympathised with us during our recent very sad bereavement. A special thanks to all the staff of Ward 32 and Intensive Care Unit of Altnagelvin Hospital, who fought so valiantly to save Cathy’s life over a five week period. We also pay tribute to Cathy’s work colleagues from Limavady District Nursing Team, who were so supportive throughout her illness and also for their wonderful guard of honour both before and after her funeral mass. To all our families, friends and neighbours who called at our home, sent mass or sympathy cards, brought food, paid their respects at the house or along the way to the Church, attended the funeral, prayed for us or offered support in any way.
Sincere thanks to Fr. Paddy Baker for his beautiful Funeral Mass. Thanks to Gregory Kearney and his daughter Lisa for the beautiful music which so enhanced the liturgy. Sincere thanks to Brendan and Thomas O’Brien, funeral directors, for their committed and dignified handling of every aspect of Cathy’s funeral arrangements, to the gravediggers for their important contribution. Sincere thanks also to Monsignor Mc Canny, for his constant support to us and all the families of this Parish, whatever the circumstances.

Cathy’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in Christ the King Church in Limavady, on Saturday, August 14 at 4.30 p.m.
As it would be impossible to thank each one of you individually, we trust that this acknowledgment will be accepted as a sincere expression of our deepest gratitude.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all your intentions.

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Thomas & Brendan O'Brien Limavady

10 Ballyclose Street,
Co. Derry/Londonderry
Visit Website
028 7776 4732
Fax: 028 7772 9780
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The death has occurred of:
Cathy Kane (née McAuley)

Kane (Limavady). We, the husband and family of the late Cathy, wish to express our sincere and heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported and sympathised with us during our recent very sad bereavement. A special thanks to all the staff of Ward 32 and Intensive Care Unit of Altnagelvin Hospital, who fought so valiantly to save Cathy’s life over a five week period. We also pay tribute to Cathy’s work colleagues from Limavady District Nursing Team, who were so supportive throughout her illness and also for their wonderful guard of honour both before and after her funeral mass. To all our families, friends and neighbours who called at our home, sent mass or sympathy cards, brought food, paid their respects at the house or along the way to the Church, attended the funeral, prayed for us or offered support in any way.
Sincere thanks to Fr. Paddy Baker for his beautiful Funeral Mass. Thanks to Gregory Kearney and his daughter Lisa for the beautiful music which so enhanced the liturgy. Sincere thanks to Brendan and Thomas O’Brien, funeral directors, for their committed and dignified handling of every aspect of Cathy’s funeral arrangements, to the gravediggers for their important contribution. Sincere thanks also to Monsignor Mc Canny, for his constant support to us and all the families of this Parish, whatever the circumstances.

Cathy’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in Christ the King Church in Limavady, on Saturday, August 14 at 4.30 p.m.
As it would be impossible to thank each one of you individually, we trust that this acknowledgment will be accepted as a sincere expression of our deepest gratitude.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all your intentions.


Funeral Details


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Thomas & Brendan O'Brien Limavady

10 Ballyclose Street,
Co. Derry/Londonderry

Visit Website

028 7776 4732

028 7772 9780

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