Catherine (Cathy) DAVISON (née Nesbitt)

The Husband and family of the late Catherine (Cathy) Davison, Née Nesbitt wish to convey their sincere thanks to all who sympathised with them on their recent sad bereavement.
We wish to express our genuine heartfelt appreciation to those who called at the family home, telephoned, sent cards or messages, attended the Church service and funeral, or made donations in lieu of flowers to Altnagelvin Hospital ICU.

A special word of thanks to the Rev. Canon Boyd for conducting the funeral service and also to Rev. Cairns, Rev. Logue and Rev. Lowden who assisted on the day of the funeral. The family would also like to thank them for their help and support during Cathy’s final days in hospital.

We also wish to acknowledge the care, professionalism and commitment of the Doctors and Nursing staff of Altnagelvin Hospital, both in Ward 26 and ICU. Our experience of the care and compassion shown will remain in our minds for a very long time.

Finally, a special thank you to Wayne Glenn and his colleagues from Adair & Neely, Funeral Directors. At all times they were extremely dignified, totally professional and showed great attention to detail in the execution of their duties.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our grateful appreciation.

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Adair & Neely Funeral Directors

10-12 Foyle Road,
Co. Derry/Londonderry
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028 7131 1321
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The death has occurred of:
Catherine (Cathy) DAVISON (née Nesbitt)

The Husband and family of the late Catherine (Cathy) Davison, Née Nesbitt wish to convey their sincere thanks to all who sympathised with them on their recent sad bereavement.
We wish to express our genuine heartfelt appreciation to those who called at the family home, telephoned, sent cards or messages, attended the Church service and funeral, or made donations in lieu of flowers to Altnagelvin Hospital ICU.

A special word of thanks to the Rev. Canon Boyd for conducting the funeral service and also to Rev. Cairns, Rev. Logue and Rev. Lowden who assisted on the day of the funeral. The family would also like to thank them for their help and support during Cathy’s final days in hospital.

We also wish to acknowledge the care, professionalism and commitment of the Doctors and Nursing staff of Altnagelvin Hospital, both in Ward 26 and ICU. Our experience of the care and compassion shown will remain in our minds for a very long time.

Finally, a special thank you to Wayne Glenn and his colleagues from Adair & Neely, Funeral Directors. At all times they were extremely dignified, totally professional and showed great attention to detail in the execution of their duties.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our grateful appreciation.

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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Adair & Neely Funeral Directors

10-12 Foyle Road,
Co. Derry/Londonderry

Visit Website

028 7131 1321

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