The death has occurred of:
Cass Langan (née Ward)
The sons, daughters and extended family circle of the
late Catherine (Cass) Langan wish to express their sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with them in their recent sad loss. Thanks to everyone who called at the wake, brought cards, sent letters, telephoned, left gifts, made donations in lieu of flowers and attended the funeral.
We would like to thank Fr. Peter Mc Cawille, Fr. Michael Doherty and Fr. Ciaran Hegarty for their spiritual support.
Sincere thanks to the Marie Curie nurses, the Foyle Hospice, to Dr. Dinsmore and the district nurses.
Thanks to our relatives, friends and neighbours for all their kindness, help and support, shown in so many ways.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually we trust this acknowledgement
will be accepted as a token of our sincere gratitude.
Cass`s Month`s Mind Mass will be celebrated in St Columba`s Church, Doneyloop on Saturday 22nd June at 6p.m
8 Cluny Gardens, Clady.