The death has occurred of:
Carmel Hunter (née Mc Cormack)
Carmel Hunter, Castlederg, 11th April 2023.
Carmel’s family would like to express their sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with them on their recent bereavement. We are grateful to everyone who called at the home, brought food, attended the funeral and sent messages of sympathy.
Heartfelt thanks to all the health care professionals involved in Carmel’ s care including the Oncology team at Belfast City Hospital, Western Trust Palliative Care team, Castlederg District Nursing team, and to the staff of Riverside Practice in Strabane.
We are grateful to the many clergy for their constant spiritual and pastoral care to Carmel during her illness especially Fathers Arkinson, O’Kane, McCawille, Fraser, Doohan, Duffy, Vincent, and Sister Susan Evangelist.
A special word of thanks to the Reverend Bobby Orr for his support on the morning of the funeral and to Fathers Arkinson, O’Kane, McCawille and McDevitt for concelebrating a comforting Requiem Mass. Many thanks to Bridgeen McManus who provided the beautiful music.
Our sincere thanks and gratitude to Quigley’s Funeral Directors for their professional expertise and support.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a sincere expression of our appreciation and gratitude.
A Mass in memory of Carmel will take place in St Patrick’s Church, Dunamanagh on Friday 12th May at 7p.m.