The death has occurred of:
Brigid (Bridie) GLASS
Brigid (Bridie)
Greencastle, Omagh
Who Died 14 December 2023
The family of the late Bridie Glass RIP would like to express sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who supported and sympathised with us on our recent bereavement.
We would like to thank our extended family, friends, neighbours and everyone who attended the wake or funeral, sent mass/sympathy cards or flowers, telephoned, posted tributes online, helped at the wake, brought food, provided lighting or assisted with transport and car parking.
Sincere thanks to the staff of Drumragh Family Practice and Omagh Group Pharmacy for their care and attention over the years. We would also like to thank the carers who attended Mum during the past few months and the Marie Curie nurses whose help was invaluable in her final days.
To Fr James Devine for his visits to Mum at home, his spiritual guidance and support to the family and for the heartfelt and comforting Requiem mass, we sincerely thank you.
A special word of thanks to Justin McGurk for the very moving music and singing which greatly enhanced the funeral mass.
We offer grateful thanks to Fergal Farley and his staff who provided the refreshments after the funeral and to St Patrick’s GAC, Greencastle for the use of the hall.
We would also like to thank Philip Morris and Leo Donaghy for the sensitive, professional and dignified manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out. Thanks also to the grave diggers who prepared Mum’s final resting place.
We are truly grateful for all the support and kindness we have received during this difficult time. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a gesture of appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the mass will be offered for the intentions of all.
Bridie’s months mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday 19 January 2024 at 7.30pm in St Patrick’s Church, Greencastle.
May her gentle soul rest in peace