The death has occurred of:
We, the family of the late Bridie McCracken (RIP), who died on 25th November 2024, want to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with us and supported us during our recent sad bereavement.
A heartfelt thanks to our family, friends and neighbours who supported us throughout this difficult time. To all those who attended the wake and funeral, to those who joined the funeral mass via the parish webcam and to those who sent mass cards, sympathy cards and messages via social media and to those who telephoned we are incredibly grateful.
We are incredibly grateful to Fr. Brian McNally for his spiritual support, for celebrating mummy’s funeral mass and for the very touching words spoken about mummy. A special thank you to Fr. Moore for his spiritual support before and after her passing.
Special thanks to the district nurses, Marie Curie nurses and the carers who tended to mummy during her short illness. We would also like to thank the Oaks Family Practice who looked after mummy throughout the years.
To Joanna at Loughran’s Funeral Directors we offer our sincere thanks for the professional and dignified way the funeral arrangements were conducted and for all the support and guidance given throughout.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our appreciation.
Mummy’s Month Mind Mass will be celebrated in Holy Trinity Church, Cookstown on Tuesday 24th December 2024 at 10.00am.