The death has occurred of:
The wife, daughters and family circle of the late Brian Mulholland R.I.P, wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with us in our recent sad bereavement.
A Special thanks to Fr Declan Mulligan who celebrated the beautiful Requiem Mass, to Geraldine Doone for her beautiful singing.
Thanks to Dr Byrne, Dr McDermott and Dr Anderson and staff of Aghalee surgery for their patience and kindness to Brian during his illness.
The staff of Aghalee Pharmacy, To the Doctors and staff of the Mandeville Unit Craigavon Area Hospital.
Thanks to all the kind friends and neighbours, to those who send Mass Cards, Sympathy Cards, donated to Marie Curie, called at the house, attended the funeral or helped in anyway.
Thank to Shauna McStravick for the beautiful Mass Booklets.
Thanks also to Jack and Margaret McLearnon Funeral Directors for their professional and caring manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements and also to Kieran Mulholland the Grave Digger.
We trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation.
Brian’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday May 23rd at 7.00pm in St Patrick’s Church Aghagallon.