Brendan Harkin


We the family of the late Brendan Harkin, would like to express our appreciation and heartfelt thanks to all those who sympathised and supported us through our recent sad bereavement by calling at the house, sending mass and sympathy cards and posting tributes on social media. Brendan was a devoted husband, father and grandfather and a dear and loyal friend to many.

Thankyou to Pizzamac and all those who brought food to the house. We extend our deep gratitude to the members of Killyclogher GAA for all their help during and after the wake - providing the transport, managing car parking, and for organising the refreshments and food during the wake and after the burial. We were also very touched by the various guards of honour.

Words cannot express our heartfelt thanks to the nurses and staff of Ward 6 and the palliative care team in the South West Acute hospital who cared for Brendan. The level of care, dignity and kindness they showed him and our family will never to be forgotten.
A special word of thanks to Fr. Kevin McElhennon, Fr Peter McCawille and Fr Damian Bresnahan for celebrating the funeral Mass. Thankyou to Bernie Devlin for providing the beautiful music and a special thankyou to Eamon Donnelly for his touching instrumental piece. ??Our sincere thanks to Peter O’Kane for the caring and dignified manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out. ??As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deep gratitude. ?Brendan's Month Mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday 8th March at 7.30pm in St Mary's Church, Killyclogher.

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O'Kane Brothers Ltd.

27 Market Street,
Co. Tyrone
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The death has occurred of:
Brendan Harkin

We the family of the late Brendan Harkin, would like to express our appreciation and heartfelt thanks to all those who sympathised and supported us through our recent sad bereavement by calling at the house, sending mass and sympathy cards and posting tributes on social media. Brendan was a devoted husband, father and grandfather and a dear and loyal friend to many.

Thankyou to Pizzamac and all those who brought food to the house. We extend our deep gratitude to the members of Killyclogher GAA for all their help during and after the wake - providing the transport, managing car parking, and for organising the refreshments and food during the wake and after the burial. We were also very touched by the various guards of honour.

Words cannot express our heartfelt thanks to the nurses and staff of Ward 6 and the palliative care team in the South West Acute hospital who cared for Brendan. The level of care, dignity and kindness they showed him and our family will never to be forgotten.
A special word of thanks to Fr. Kevin McElhennon, Fr Peter McCawille and Fr Damian Bresnahan for celebrating the funeral Mass. Thankyou to Bernie Devlin for providing the beautiful music and a special thankyou to Eamon Donnelly for his touching instrumental piece. ??Our sincere thanks to Peter O’Kane for the caring and dignified manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out. ??As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deep gratitude. ?Brendan's Month Mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday 8th March at 7.30pm in St Mary's Church, Killyclogher.


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

O'Kane Brothers Ltd.

27 Market Street,
Co. Tyrone

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