The death has occurred of:
Brendan GRIMES
We the family of the late Brendan Grimes RIP would like to express our thanks to those who offered condolences, support and kindness during the difficult days surrounding his passing. Thanks to our families, friends and neighbours for their help and support throughout the wake and days that have followed. Thanks to those who sent mass cards, called at the house and travelled to offer support - it did not go unnoticed.
We thank Fr Slater and Fr Boyle for their support throughout the wake and funeral service. We also thank those who took part in the funeral service, especially to Brendan's grandchildren.
A special word of thanks to the staff at Loy Medical for their care throughout Brendan's recent years.
Sincere thanks to Niall A. Loughran Funeral Directors and to Joanna for their compassion and professionalism in which all the wake and funeral arrangements were carried out.
Brendan's month mind will take place on Saturday 14th December at 6pm in Holy Trinity Church Cookstown.