The death has occurred of:
Brendan Mallon
Mallon Brendan
The family of the late Brendan Mallon wish to express our sincere thanks to all who sympathised with them in our recent sad bereavement. Heartfelt thanks to all the kind relatives and friends who called at the family home, those who brought gifts, food, sent cards, letters, telephoned, sent messages, attended the funeral or helped in any way, deep gratitude is extended.
Sincere thanks to the staff at Errigal Medical Centre, to the Memory Team, The Acute Care at Home Team, the staff at Shane O’Neills Chemist, the District Nurses, Marie Curie Nurses, The Pallative Care Team, The Domicillary Cares and Clogher Valley Care for their care and compassion shown to Brendan.
Special thanks to Fr O’Dwyer for his pastoral care and to Fr Hannigan for conducting the Funeral Mass. Thank you to Orla and Nicola Hamill for the beautiful singing and music at Brendan’s Funeral Mass. a special word of thanks to Paudge Quinn, Funeral Director, for the dignified and caring manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out and to the staff at Quinn’s Corner for the beautiful food. Thanks to the gravediggers who prepared Brendan’s final resting place.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually we trust this acknowledgment will be accepted as a token of our deep sincere appreciation.
Brendan’s Month's Mind Mass will be on Friday 9th February at 7pm in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Ballygawley.
The Mallon family.