The death has occurred of:
Acknowledgement/Month's Mind Mass
Late Bertie Williams
Died 12th April 2024
We, the family of the late Bertie Williams would like to thank everyone for their support during our recent sad loss.
Thank you to our family, friends and neighbours and also to Bertie's former neighbours and friends from Quarry Street for their support during the wake and funeral.
Thank you to all those who attended the wake and funeral, brought mass cards, sympathy cards, flowers and food to the wake.
We would like to thank Holy Family Primary School for providing chairs and tea/coffee flasks and Derry Central Library for providing tea/coffee flasks for use during the wake.
Thank you to Fr. Gerard Mongan, Longtower Church for the beautiful mass and to Sarah for the beautiful singing and music during the mass
Thank you to Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.
A special thanks to Ardlough Care Home for the love and care shown not only to Bertie over the past 8 years but for their support to us as his family. We are forever grateful.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually please take this acknowledgement as a token of our appreciation.
Bertie's Month's Mind Mass will be held on Monday 17th June at 7:30pm in St. Columba's Church, Longtower. All welcome.