The death has occurred of:
The family of the late Bernie McMullan wish to thank all those who sympathised with them in their recent bereavement.
Special thanks to Fr. Brown for his help and for conducting the Requiem Mass.
Thanks to Gerard McMullan, Eugene and Paul Lively for carrying out the funeral arrangements.
Thanks to Anna Moore for the beautiful singing at mum's funeral mass.
To those who sent mass/sympathy cards, called at the house or helped in any way. Thanks to Maureen Ward for the delicious food after the funeral and St. John GAC for the use of their hall. Thanks to the Downpatrick PSNI for help with traffic on the morning of the funeral.
A special word of thanks to the staff at Woodlodge for the care they gave to mum over the last 6 years.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our thanks.
Mum's Month's Mind Mass will be on Saturday 8th June in St. John the Baptist Church, Drumaroad at 7.30pm