The death has occurred of:
Austin Quinn
QUINN, Austin, 4 Rathmore Court, Cemetery Road Cookstown.
10th December 2023.
We, the family of Austin, would like to take the opportunity to express our heartfelt appreciation to all of those who sympathised with us and supported us greatly through the sad and recent passing of our beloved Austin. We have been deeply touched by the many callers to our family home, those who attended the wake and funeral, watched online and to those who travelled from as far away as Cork, Longford and Dublin. The support and presence of our many family and friends has comforted us all greatly at this difficult time.
A special word of thanks must be made to Fr. Boyle for the beautiful Requiem Mass he conducted for Austin. His homily was a fitting and dignified tribute to a much loved husband, father, grandfather and brother. Thank you also to Fr. Tremer for carrying out the burial at the Old Cross. We also appreciate all those who assisted in the Mass, especially Margerat Ann and Patrick for their very moving music.
We are grateful to K.M Quinn funeral directors for the sensitive and professional manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out and to the gravediggers who prepared Austin's resting place.
Many thanks to our friends from Brewery Grill Bar, Quinn 3 Westland Road Spar and Mr and Mrs G McElhatton for the food they provided at the wake.
Thank you to Stephanie for preparing the refreshments afterwards and to The Battery Bar for the use of their venue.
We would also like to extend our gratitude to everyone at the Oaks Family Practice, especially Dr Naughton, who called at the family home and for all he did caring for Austin.
Thank you also to the Firefighters at Cookstown Fire Station for the guard of honour on the day of the funeral.
As it is impossible to thank everyone, please accept this acknowledgement as a gesture of our deepest gratitude.
Austin's Month's Mind Mass will take place, in Holy Trinity Chapel, Cookstown on Sunday the 7th January at 12.00pm.
May his gentle soul rest in peace.