The death has occurred of:
McCLOSKEY (Anthony)
27th January 2022
The daughters, sons, sisters, brothers and family of the late Anthony McCloskey wish to sincerely thank all who sympathised and supported us during our recent bereavement. A very special word of thanks to Anthony’s carers, Altnagelvin hospital, Claudy Health Centre and Lloyds Pharmacy for their care during Anthony’s illness.
To Fr D O’Kane PP, Fr A Kelly SMA and Fr M O’Hagan who celebrated the funeral mass and to all those who called at the house, attended the funeral, sent mass cards, sympathy cards and wreaths. We thank all those who travelled long distances to be with us at this sad time.
To the soloist, sacristan, undertaker and caterers for their assistance and help with the funeral.
Thanks also to all our family, friends and neighbours and all those who helped in any way over the past few weeks.
Month’s Mind Mass in St Patrick’s Church, Claudy, on Sunday 27th February at 11:30am.
Everyone welcome.
Mass will be streamed live on St Patrick’s webcam: