The death has occurred of:
Annie McGee (née Campbell)
Annie McGee,
Galbally Road, Trillick.
Died 19th July 2022.
The husband and extended family of Annie McGee would like to thank all those who sympathized, prayed for and offered support on their recent bereavement. Thanks are extended to those who attended Annie’s wake and funeral, those who kept vigil during the wake, those who telephoned, who sent Mass or sympathy cards, sent flowers and those who brought kind gifts to the home. Sincere thanks to the relatives, friends and neighbors who helped out in so many ways- your support is very much appreciated.
Our sincere thanks to Fr MacEntee PP and Fr Hasson PP for making time to visit. A special word of thanks to Father Mark Monaghan SMA VG for his spiritual support and for celebrating the personalized and comforting Requiem Mass. We convey our appreciation to everyone who assisted with the Mass, including those who prepared St Mary’s Church, the readers and those who brought up the offertory gifts, the Eucharistic Minister as well as Marie Campbell and Colette McAllister who provided the beautiful music and singing. Thank you to McAtee Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out and to Charlie Quinn for preparing Annie’s final resting place in Drumragh Cemetery.
Thanks is also extended to those who assisted with Annie’s care in both Three River’s Nursing Home and South West Acute Hospital as well as her community social worker.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a gesture of our deepest gratitude.
Annie’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in St Mary’s Church, Drumragh
on Friday 19th August at 7.30pm. Our Lady pray for her.