The death has occurred of:
The family of the late Anne Feeney wish to express our sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with us and supported us through the devastating loss of Anne/mummy.
To all those who attended the wake and Funeral, sent cards, letters and messages of sympathy your support was very much appreciated and your kindness will never be forgotten. Also thank you to those who brought food to the house especially: BLT Dungannon, Newell Stores Coalisland, Eglish Country Fry, Raffles Armagh and Eglish Bakery.
To all those who helped out during the wake and Funeral in any way, your kindness and support is very much appreciated. Thanks to Eglish GFC for the use of parking facilities at Pairc Chormaic and for help with stewarding.
Sincere thanks to the nurses and doctors who looked after mummy with such dignity during her short illness, especially to the staff of 4 South CAH, Dr Aine Mc Geary and the staff of Parkview Surgery and the staff of Boots Oaks Centre Dungannon. To Ita, Anne and Cathy, nurses from Dungannon Lourdes Committee, we will never forget your help and support.
Special thanks to Fr Eamon Mc Camley for calling with mum at home and in hospital and for all the support he gave to mum and dad and the family. Also for the very personal and heartfelt funeral mass which was a wonderful and fitting tribute to mum.
Thanks also to Fr John Heagney for attending mum at home and concelebrating the funeral mass, to Fr Jibin for also concelebrating the mass and to Fr Brian Slater for attending mum in hospital. Thanks to Archbishop Eamon Martin and Fr Thomas Mc Hugh for attending the wake.
To Malachy Cush and Damian Cullen, thank you for the beautiful music and very personal choice of hymns that mum really loved.
Special thanks to all the committees of the Armagh Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage for their guard of honour and continued support to the family.
Thanks to Patrick and PJ Quinn for the attentive, dignified and professional manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements. Thanks also to the Sacristan, to the grave diggers for preparing mums final resting place and to the Gables restaurant for the beautiful food after the funeral.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our heartfelt appreciation.
Mums months mind mass will be on Wednesday 23rd November at 7.30pm in St Patrick's Church Dungannon.