The death has occurred of:
Anne Loughran (née Corr)
We the family of the late Anne Loughran (RIP) would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all those who sympathised and supported with us during our recent sad bereavement.
We would like to offer our sincere gratitude to all those who attended the wake and funeral and to everyone who sent sympathy cards, thoughtful letters, social media messages and donations for Termonmaguirc Cancer Patients Comfort Fund.
Our sincere thanks to our family, friends and neighbours who worked tirelessly during the wake providing teas, directing traffic and parking cars. We are very grateful for all those who helped out during the wake in any way and to those who so generously brought gestures of food.
To all those who cared for Anne, particularly the Doctors, and staff of Carrickmore Health Centre, District Nursing team, the Community Respiratory team Primary Care Complex, Omagh the staff of Harte’s Chemist, Carrickmore and to the carers from North West Care. Thank you also to the staff of Ward 8 in the SWAH who cared for Anne in recent months and for the care, dignity and compassion shown to Anne and her family in the last days of her life.
We thank all those who took part in the liturgy of the mass and especially to Anne’s grandchildren, Granny Anne would have been so proud of you. Thank you to Jackie and Rory for the beautiful singing and music. Thanks to the Sacristan Colette, Eucharistic Ministers and altar servers.
To all those who attended the funeral mass or joined us on the Webcam we are truly grateful. A special word of thanks to Fr Peter McAnenly P.P for his spiritual support to Anne in recent months both in hospital and at home and for visiting Anne in hospital in the last days of her life. We thank him also for his prayers and support during the wake and for the beautiful Requiem mass and fitting tribute to Anne.
Thank you to Peadar and Ryan FMC Funeral Services for the dignified and professional manner in which they conducted the wake and funeral arrangements. Thank you to the grave digger Ciaran Conroy for respectfully preparing Anne’s final place of rest. Thanks to Aidan O’Gara for the providing the marquee and Roisin McAtee for the beautiful floral tributes. Thanks to the staff and volunteers at The Patrician for use of the hall and to Kelley and the staff of the Charm inn for the beautiful refreshments after the funeral.
As it would be impossible to thank everybody individually, we sincerely hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of deep gratitude and appreciation to all. The Holy Sacrifice of mass will be offered for all your intentions.
Anne’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Thursday 16th May in St.Colmcilles Church, Carrickmore @ 7.30pm and can also be viewed on the Church webcam.
‘May her gentle soul Rest in Peace’