The death has occurred of:
The family of the late Anna Loughran, 57 Corvanaghan Road, Cookstown wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them in their recent bereavement.
Thank you to Father Hughes for mummy's beautiful mass and to Jacqueline Loughran and Owen Roe for the lovely music.
Thank you also to Joanna and Colleén at Niall A Loughran Funeral Directors who helped us so much over the course of mummy's wake and funeral.
Thanks and appreciation to the Mill Wheel for the excellent catering after the funeral mass.
Heartfelt thanks to all our wider family, friends and neighbours who called to mummy's home, came to the funeral mass, sent condolences by phone and gave mass or sympathy cards or helped in any way.
A special word of thanks to the Nursing staff and all the carers at Drapersfield House who looked after mummy so well. We as a family appreciate their kindness and care towards mummy.
Also we wish to thank the medical team on ward 3 North at Craigavon Area Hospital for their care and support for mummy.
As it is not possible to thank everyone individually we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a small gesture of our sincere appreciation.
Mummys months mind mass will be celebrated on Friday 26th May 2023 at 7.30pm in St Mary's Church Dunamore and can be viewed using the link below;