The death has occurred of:
We, the Family of the late Alice Mullan (Syerla & Rossbeg) who passed away on the 19th September 2024 wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to all who sympathised with us during our sad loss.
Thank you most sincerely to all our kind relatives, friends and neighbours who attended the wake and funeral, sent Mass andsympathy cards or expressed their condolences in any way. We thank everyone who helped during the wake and brought gifts.
Thank you to those who prepared the chapel and the Moy grave diggers for preparing Alice's final resting place.
A special word of gratitude to Canon Fee for his visits and blessings to Alice during her stay at Ashbrook Care Home.Thank you to Fr Donaghy or his monthly spiritual calls to Alice in Rossbeg and Martina McCaughery for administration of Holy Communion to Alice weekly.
Our thanks to Fr McHugh and Fr M McGinnity for conducting Alice's funeral Mass in such a compassionate manner and to Grainne Maxwell for her beautiful singing and music during the Mass.
Our sincere thanks to Quinn's Funeral Directors for the professional, compassionate and dignified manner in which they arranged Alice's funeral and their kindness and support shown to our family.
We thank the Domiciliary Care Workers from the Trust and Jackie's Home Care, District Nurses and Doctors who attended Alice in Syerla and Rossbeg for many years. We thank the staff and management from Ashbrook Care Home for their devoted care and attention during Alice's final months. Thank you to Alice's great friends that visited her and spent so much time reminiscing with her over the last few years in Rossbeg.
Finally, as it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our sincere thanks and heartfelt appreciation.
Alice's Month's Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 19th October 2024 at 6.30pm in St. Johns Church, Moy.
Our Lady of Knock Pray for Her.