Albert Hannon

The family of the late Albert Hannon wish to express their sincere thanks to all who sympathised with and supported them through their recent bereavement. Those who called at the house, attended the funeral from both near and far, to those who attended the wake, to those who brought mass cards, sent flowers, messages of sympathy and gave donations to Alzheimer’s UK.

Thanks to all who brought and sent food for the family and all those who helped in the home throughout the wake. Thanks to Aine McGuinness for the beautiful flowers for the funeral service.

A special word of thanks to Father Michael Murray for his prayers in the home and his celebration of Albert’s funeral mass, also thanks to Canon John Kearney who said the graveside prayers, both of whom were a source of support and comfort to the family.

Sincere thanks to Albert’s many friends and family who provided beautiful music and hymns for the funeral mass and to all those involved in the funeral liturgy.

Many thanks to Kieran and Finn Mulholland for the respectful preparation of Alberts grave. Thanks to Michael and Louise Mulholland, and the team at The Derryhirk Inn for refreshments following the funeral.

Thanks to Francie, Louise, and Nicola from McAlinden & Murtagh for the professional and dignified way the funeral arrangements were handled.

Our thanks to the staff in Orchard Lodge Care Home, with special thanks to the Cathedral suite team, to Dr Glendinning, the medical team in Archway Surgery and the staff at Aghalee surgery for the care given to Albert.

Please accept this acknowledgement as a gesture of our family’s deepest gratitude for all the support, kindness, compassion, and sensitivity shown to them by friends, family, neighbours, and the local community during this sad time.

Albert’s Month’s Mind Mass will be said in St Peter’s Church, Lurgan on Friday 17th May at 7pm.

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McAlinden & Murtagh

2 North Street,
Co. Armagh
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028 3832 4404
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The death has occurred of:
Albert Hannon

The family of the late Albert Hannon wish to express their sincere thanks to all who sympathised with and supported them through their recent bereavement. Those who called at the house, attended the funeral from both near and far, to those who attended the wake, to those who brought mass cards, sent flowers, messages of sympathy and gave donations to Alzheimer’s UK.

Thanks to all who brought and sent food for the family and all those who helped in the home throughout the wake. Thanks to Aine McGuinness for the beautiful flowers for the funeral service.

A special word of thanks to Father Michael Murray for his prayers in the home and his celebration of Albert’s funeral mass, also thanks to Canon John Kearney who said the graveside prayers, both of whom were a source of support and comfort to the family.

Sincere thanks to Albert’s many friends and family who provided beautiful music and hymns for the funeral mass and to all those involved in the funeral liturgy.

Many thanks to Kieran and Finn Mulholland for the respectful preparation of Alberts grave. Thanks to Michael and Louise Mulholland, and the team at The Derryhirk Inn for refreshments following the funeral.

Thanks to Francie, Louise, and Nicola from McAlinden & Murtagh for the professional and dignified way the funeral arrangements were handled.

Our thanks to the staff in Orchard Lodge Care Home, with special thanks to the Cathedral suite team, to Dr Glendinning, the medical team in Archway Surgery and the staff at Aghalee surgery for the care given to Albert.

Please accept this acknowledgement as a gesture of our family’s deepest gratitude for all the support, kindness, compassion, and sensitivity shown to them by friends, family, neighbours, and the local community during this sad time.

Albert’s Month’s Mind Mass will be said in St Peter’s Church, Lurgan on Friday 17th May at 7pm.

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Kirwan Funeral Directors

McAlinden & Murtagh

2 North Street,
Co. Armagh

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028 3832 4404

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