Aidan Jude McGARRY


Acknowledgement - Aidan Jude McGarry
Cedar Park, Texas, USA (and formerly 81 Pharis Road, Loughgiel)

The family of the late Aidan Jude McGarry, Cedar Park, Texas, USA (and formerly 81 Pharis Road, Loughgiel), wish to acknowledge most sincerely the many expressions of sympathy and kindness shown to us following our recent sad loss.

We offer our heartfelt gratitude to the doctors and medical staff in Texas who cared for Aidan following his diagnosis and throughout his illness.

A particular thank you to the Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust for bringing Aidan home, and to DJM Robinson & Son, Culcrum for the dignified, caring and professional manner in which they carried out all funeral arrangements.

Thank you to Fr Patsy Mulholland P.P. for celebrating such a beautiful Requiem Mass and for your spiritual guidance. Thanks to Dora and Aimee for adding to the liturgy of the Requiem Mass with your beautiful music, and to Wishie for taking care of the grave.

Thank you to everyone who made preparations at the house and to all those who helped out at the wake. Sincere thanks to everyone that called to the wake, telephoned, visited the family, sent cards and letters or donated in lieu of flowers. Thank you to everyone who attended Aidan's Requiem Mass and burial, either in person or via live stream. We also give thanks to Aidan's neighbours and friends in Ireland and Texas who supported him over the years, and to all who have kept him and his family in their thoughts and prayers.

We trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our appreciation.

Aidan's Month's Mind mass takes place on Saturday, 4th March 2023 at 7.30pm in St Patrick's Church Loughgiel.

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D.J.M. Robinson & Son

121 Culcrum Road,
Co. Antrim
Visit Website
028 2763 8218
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The death has occurred of:
Aidan Jude McGARRY

Acknowledgement - Aidan Jude McGarry
Cedar Park, Texas, USA (and formerly 81 Pharis Road, Loughgiel)

The family of the late Aidan Jude McGarry, Cedar Park, Texas, USA (and formerly 81 Pharis Road, Loughgiel), wish to acknowledge most sincerely the many expressions of sympathy and kindness shown to us following our recent sad loss.

We offer our heartfelt gratitude to the doctors and medical staff in Texas who cared for Aidan following his diagnosis and throughout his illness.

A particular thank you to the Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust for bringing Aidan home, and to DJM Robinson & Son, Culcrum for the dignified, caring and professional manner in which they carried out all funeral arrangements.

Thank you to Fr Patsy Mulholland P.P. for celebrating such a beautiful Requiem Mass and for your spiritual guidance. Thanks to Dora and Aimee for adding to the liturgy of the Requiem Mass with your beautiful music, and to Wishie for taking care of the grave.

Thank you to everyone who made preparations at the house and to all those who helped out at the wake. Sincere thanks to everyone that called to the wake, telephoned, visited the family, sent cards and letters or donated in lieu of flowers. Thank you to everyone who attended Aidan's Requiem Mass and burial, either in person or via live stream. We also give thanks to Aidan's neighbours and friends in Ireland and Texas who supported him over the years, and to all who have kept him and his family in their thoughts and prayers.

We trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our appreciation.

Aidan's Month's Mind mass takes place on Saturday, 4th March 2023 at 7.30pm in St Patrick's Church Loughgiel.


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

D.J.M. Robinson & Son

121 Culcrum Road,
Co. Antrim

Visit Website

028 2763 8218

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