The death has occurred of:
Adrian James HALL
The family of the late Adrian James Hall wishes to express our heartfelt thanks to all who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement.
To those who visited, came to the funeral home, telephoned, messaged, attended the funeral, made donations in lieu of flowers, or supported us in any other way, it was very much appreciated.
A special word of thanks to Canon Peter Thompson for his care and prayers during this time and for conducting the funeral service.
We would also like to give special thanks to Irene and John Martin for their support and the dignified manner in which they guided us through the funeral arrangements.
Finally, we would like to thank our family, friends, and neighbours for everything they did for us during this time and continue to do. Your support is invaluable.
Trusting that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all in grateful appreciation.
Doreen, Arlene, Trevor, Lorna, Jayden, Jaxon, & Tyler